Catholic Minute

Join Us This Lent: A Powerful Journey Through Heaven, Hell & Purgatory!

Ken Yasinski Season 2 Episode 7

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Join us for Lent Daily, a transformative Lenten series where we explore the mystical visions of the saints on Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory while diving deep into the Church’s teachings on each.

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welcome we are so happy to have you so what are you doing for Lent this year because we would like to invite you to our new lent and


journey this year we're doing something different than any other year this year we're doing Lenton Reflections on Heaven hell and Purgatory by examining the mystical visions and apparitions that the Saints had um we're also going to be looking at what does the church teach regarding Heaven hell and purgatory and what do some of the doctors say about this but I'm really excited about this I've been thinking about this idea of this series for a number of years and so finally had the time I'm pulling from a variety of different sources so that we can learn from what they experienced what they saw what they taught about what they experienced anyways really exciting exed and I hope you can join us so how is this going to be broken down in terms of Heaven hell and Purgatory episodes well um the way that Ken has decided he's going to put the the weight of everything on Hell actually he's doing 10 we're doing 10 episodes on hell and then we're going to do eight episodes on purgatory and Eight Episodes on heaven so we're going to start with hell then Purgatory then Heaven good news at the end as we get closer to uh Easter and every Friday something else is going to happen father Christina bouvette is going to join us and we're going to have a long form discussion on some sort of aspect about l so we're going to talk about arms giving we're talk about fasting we're going to talk about prayer how to make a good confession so we're really pleased that he will be joining us also every Friday um and this journey is a journey please don't consider it as though we are teaching you because we're going to be going through this information sort of in real time with you and then offering our Reflections uh I think it's going to be very valuable we have already our plan but uh we haven't actually recorded the episodes yet so pray for us but in the meantime if you would like to join us on this exciting journey through Heaven hell and Purgatory Hasen through the mystical experiences of the Saints head over to lent here you can sign up to receive each video upon release that way you won't miss one that is Lent we'll see see you soon so one little thing that I like to tell everyone is what is really expected of you well firstly I want you to know that it's not going to take up a ton of your time hopefully if some of us aren't too long- winded and why you looking at me I typically don't have as much to say which maybe very good very good and then the other thing is that we like one thing that we really do like to encourage is a daily rosary and so if you're not in the habit of praying a daily Rosary um I'd encourage you to start or even just start start with a decade and if you're unsure of how to do this you can always just search up um well you can pray along with us because we'll provide you the link so we'll do that at the end of every video as well uh so please join us again go to lent the last thing is a lot of you are regular subscribers we're really grateful that you Journey with us but there's a lot of people perhaps that you know that aren't aware of this service that we offer online um feel free to share this invitation with them uh perhaps there's people that you know that think oh they would really be interested in jour learning this unique way through lent going through the lives of the Saints and examining Heaven hell and Purgatory direct them to lent that's the best way there they can sign up they get the email and if they don't like it they can unsubscribe and oh by the way it's free so it costs nothing um so thanks for your help in getting the word out as well also it's only going to be 5 days a week so Monday through Friday Monday through so Monday through Friday you get Janelle and I or just me Friday father Christino so thanks uh with that consider what is the most pressing business in your life I think our lives get really distracted with many different things but really it should be our Salvation that is the most pressing business in the Christian's life consider what St alasa says our most important Affair is that of our Eternal salvation upon it depends our happiness or misery forever this affair will come to an end in eternity and will decide whether we shall be saved or lost forever whether we shall have acquired an eternity of delights or an eternity of torments whether we shall live forever happy or forever miserable so lent is an opportunity to get that most important Affair sorted out our Eternal salvation it's a great opportunity to press in one way pause a little bit in our life and get rid of the distractions and focus on what really is important you know when we think about the series that we're doing journey through Heaven hell and Purgatory what's the purpose of It ultimately the purpose is to grow in love for Jesus that's the purpose the purpose is not so that we get terrified of Hell or terrified of purgatory or get presumptuous about heaven the purpose is that we grow in love for Jesus and then live a life that is worthy of him to live a life that is worthy of God so we would really hope that you would join us again comment below share with us below are you in or you out we'd love to know anyways hey thanks for watching and we'll see you next Wednesday which is Ash Wednesday did I pronounce yes Ash Wednesday and what did you think you said I don't I wasn't sure what I said it didn't didn't like wasn't coming out right but it's Ash Wednesday we'll see you then [Music]